Captain Ray, or "El Capitan Rayo" (Captain Lightning) in Spanish, is a superhero created exclusively for the Super Powers Collection/Super Heroes Collection of action figures released in Colombia. He never appeared in any comic books. His secret identity is Francisco D'ardoine, an original character created by Gulliver Juguetes, a Latin-American toy company located in Brazil. The character appeared for the first time in 1986 as part of the line-up of their own Super Powers Collection/Super Heroes Collection toy line. They obtained the South American license to Kenner's Super Powers Collection line, released in North America, based on several characters from DC Comics.
With his Aquaman face, Superman body, and unique paint job, cardback, the figure is a very interesting effort. There are at least two variations in the way the lightning bolt is painted on his chest.
The Captain Ray action figure has appeared at auction on eBay at least three times -- the first time selling for 340 USD$, the second time offered for over 4000 USD$.
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Captain Ray's powers are energy-related. According to the 'fact box' on the cardback of the figure, he is able to manage storms, directing lightning by will. He can create and send off bolts of lightning from his hands. He flies and he accumulates solar, electric or nuclear energy. It is also noted that he is mortal and needs a constant supply of energy. Captain Ray's powers are similar to those of several DC Comics characters including Black Lightning, Black Vulcan, Livewire, and The Ray.
The card of the figure mentioned that Captain Ray's enemies included Captain Squad, Tigerwoman, and LX230. None of these characters seem to have ever appeared in any comic, just like Captain Ray, nor were they included in the Colombian line. The line did contain the unique figure 'Hombre de las Nieves' (Abominable Snowman) that served as the captain's nemesis.
Too good to retire, Capitan Rayo traded in his yellow shorts and boots for red ones and was released, again, in Colombia by Gulliver Juguetes as part of their Defensores De La Tierra (Defenders of the Earth) line , packaged under the Grupo P&M brand. This was a collection of eight action figures including Capitan Rayo, Solaris, Atlanta, Smock, Cibernetico, Jack el Fetido, Super Oxide and Jaguar. As with the earlier Super Powers/Super Heroes figures, each came carded with a mini comic/poster.